Varadinov & co.

Litigation and Arbitration

At a Glance

We prefer the prevention, not the court dispute, therefore we aim at contributing to finding out-of-court solutions of the disputes our clients are parties to – via negotiations, voluntary performance of contractual duties, agreements, alternative dispute resolution etc.

“Omnia mea mecum porto“ regarding all the rest - we refer to the power of information technologies.

In Detail

We prefer the prevention, not the court dispute, therefore we aim at contributing to finding out-of-court solutions of the disputes our clients are parties to – via negotiations, voluntary performance of contractual duties, agreements, alternative dispute resolution etc. Nevertheless, when the contractual relations of our clients have developed in a manner, which inevitably leads to a court intervention, we represent them and defend their rights and legal interests through all the instances of the court procedure. We represent our clients before the arbitration courts of the Republic of Bulgaria, advise them regarding the arbitration clauses of their agreements and draft out-of-court agreements. Our litigators have multilateral experience in the civil procedure – civil, commercial, labour, tax and administrative cases as well as procedures related to recognition and execution of foreign judicial and arbitration awards by the Bulgarian court. After a successful completion of the litigation we assist in enforcement of the judgment till the client’s interest is entirely satisfied.


Related Activities


Insolvency and Liquidation

Our team provides consultations and juridical support in cases, related to commercial insolvency. We have also gained valuable experience in companies’ liquidation providing legal advice and representing our clients before the National Social Security Institute.
IT and Telecommunication

Information and Telecommunication Technologies

Our practice in this area is developing with significant dynamics, we represent our clients – potential candidates – throughout procedures for granting transmittal frequencies and obtaining license for telecommunications.


Competition is usually described as a process of rivalry between firms seeking to win customers` bussiness over time. The benefits of competition are lower prices, better products, wide choice and greater efficiency.

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